Saturday 21 January 2012


I found a quotes about life which hits 45062 peoples liked it :-

" Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." by Dr. Seuss

A little history about Dr. Seuss
Theodor Seuss Geisel was born on 2 March 1904 in Springfield, MA, The United State. He graduated Dartmouth College in 1925, and proceeded on to Oxford University with the intent of acquiring a doctorate in literature. At Oxford he met Helen Palmer, who wed in 1927. He returned from Europe in 1927, and began working for a magazine called Judge, the leading humor magazine in America at the time, submitting both cartoons and humorous articles for them. Additionally, he was submitting cartoon to life, Vanity Fair and Liberty. In some of his works, he'd made reference t an insecticide called Flit. these references gained notice, and led to a contract to draw comic ads for Flit. this association lasted 17 years, gained him national exposure, and coined the catchphrase "Quick, Henry, the Flit!" 

Helen Palmer Geisel died in 1967. Theodor Geisel married Audrey Stone Diamond in 1968. Theodor Seuss Geisel died on 24 September 1991.

The quote above gave me a great inspiration. Do you realize that most of the people are being pessimistic when troubles occur. In fact, they should have be more optimistic in order to solve their problems or improve the current situation. When girls come to difficulties, most of them will cry or nervous instead of staying calm and start thinking what should they do as girls are always soft hearted and have a fragile heart regardless in any situations any aspects.  

Everyone should have read the quote above. we shouldn't sad for what is already over but we should be positive of what already happened. I believe in God, do not think that the God don't love you when troubles come into you, instead u should be glad that the God is giving you a test, assume that all troubles are challenges in your life that you must have go through it, face it, solve it to have a better life. Not everyone have the chance to experience it, always remember that troubles and failure are the key elements which make us tougher and stronger.

If you do believe in fate, fate actually be set. Some people will say "I do not believe in fate because its on our hands." Yes, it is. You can change it with your own hands but only to be changed to be better and not counter the God and counter with your fate. Be glad that who you are. Everyone have their own specialties, discover yourself, where is your strength.

You can only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough !

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