Sunday 26 February 2012




Malaysians have decided : Lynas' Malaysia rare earth refinery project must be scrapped! 

SMSL urges the authorities to exercise restraint to allow citizens their democratic rights and to give them the space to peacfully express themselves in this Sunday's Himpunan Hijau 2.0 rally in Kuantan.

Chairperson of SMSL, Mr Tan Bun Teet explained, "The people have fought hard to stop Lynas and a number of other environmental problems. It is our duty as responsible and caring citizens to keep our country and our family safe."

Earlier this month, a temporary operating licence was issued to Lynas Malaysia, a wholly owned operation of Australia's Lynas Corporation, for its controversial rare earth refinery plant in Gebeng, an industrial estate about 20 km from Kuantan.

SMSL is disappointed that the government has not taken on board grave concerns of the public which leave the people no choice but to take to the street to protest. The injustice is felt everywhere, not just in Kuantan but the whole of Malaysia. The good reputation of Malaysia is at stake over the handling of this issue.

The Lynas issue is a problem for ALL MALAYSIANS. The pollution will spread over a wide area, even into our ASEAN neighbors through the South China Sea. Contaminated seafood and agriculture produce can create serious food safety issue not just for the people of Kuantan but to all the consumers of agriculture and seafood products.

you can read more from



Tuesday 21 February 2012

Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Version

Chicken Soup for the Soul - 101 stories to open the heart & rekindle the spirit,
by Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen

A book which bring you wit and wisdom, hope and empowerment to buoy you up through life's dark moment.
There have been over 200 titles. Many of the books are directed at specific groups of people, such as Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul, Chicken Soup for the Preteen Soul, Chicken Soup for the Prisoner's Soul, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Tough Times, Tough People, Chicken Soup for the Grandparent's Soul, Chicken Soup for the Soul: Teens Talk Relationships, and Chicken Soup for the Soul: Thanks Dad. 
1# New York Times Bestseller

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Be Creative!

Pablo Picasso said 
"Everything you can imagine is real" 

it's means that whatever things that come across our mind, that we imagined, our creative opinions, innovative ideas that no one can even think of it is real. there is a mandarin words "when ever you have a dream, the dream may come true" defined when ever we have a dream, if you able to imagine it and do it then it can become real. Of cause if just dream it without any actions, your dreams, your imagination will forever stay in your dream world instead of in the real world.

Do you think that imagination is important? 

Albert Einstein 
"Imagination is more important than knowledge, 
knowledge is limited;
 imagination encircles the world"

All well known and successful peoples do have a good imagination and creative minded also good attitude.

Steve Jobs who contributed his whole life to the technology new world is a very creative person. No one is more prominent then his creativeness mind. He did sacrificed a lot to succeed in this day, uncountable failure he faced and he did not give up instead he keep on trying to create better and better products of Apple to the world.

To know more about Steve Jobs

Memorable quotes by Steve Jobs
1) On goods design
"That's been one of my mantras - focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains."

2) On his outlook
"Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn't matter to me...Going to bed at night saying we've done something wonderful...that's what matters to me."

3) Have faith in the future
"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something - your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life."

4) On the importance of death
"No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true."

5) Don't sit still
"I think if you do something and it turns out pretty good, then you should go do something else wonderful, not dwell on it for too long. just figure out what's next."

Bill Gates
When you think about Microsoft then you will think about Bill Gates

He and his partner, Paul Allen built the world's largest software business, Microsoft.
He then became one of the richest man in the world.

To know more about Bill Gates

Quotes by Bill Gates
1) I really had a lot of dreams when i was a kid, and i think a great deal of that grew out of the fact that i had a chance to read a lot.

2) Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose.

3) If you can't make it good, at least make it look good.

Saturday 21 January 2012


I found a quotes about life which hits 45062 peoples liked it :-

" Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." by Dr. Seuss

A little history about Dr. Seuss
Theodor Seuss Geisel was born on 2 March 1904 in Springfield, MA, The United State. He graduated Dartmouth College in 1925, and proceeded on to Oxford University with the intent of acquiring a doctorate in literature. At Oxford he met Helen Palmer, who wed in 1927. He returned from Europe in 1927, and began working for a magazine called Judge, the leading humor magazine in America at the time, submitting both cartoons and humorous articles for them. Additionally, he was submitting cartoon to life, Vanity Fair and Liberty. In some of his works, he'd made reference t an insecticide called Flit. these references gained notice, and led to a contract to draw comic ads for Flit. this association lasted 17 years, gained him national exposure, and coined the catchphrase "Quick, Henry, the Flit!" 

Helen Palmer Geisel died in 1967. Theodor Geisel married Audrey Stone Diamond in 1968. Theodor Seuss Geisel died on 24 September 1991.

The quote above gave me a great inspiration. Do you realize that most of the people are being pessimistic when troubles occur. In fact, they should have be more optimistic in order to solve their problems or improve the current situation. When girls come to difficulties, most of them will cry or nervous instead of staying calm and start thinking what should they do as girls are always soft hearted and have a fragile heart regardless in any situations any aspects.  

Everyone should have read the quote above. we shouldn't sad for what is already over but we should be positive of what already happened. I believe in God, do not think that the God don't love you when troubles come into you, instead u should be glad that the God is giving you a test, assume that all troubles are challenges in your life that you must have go through it, face it, solve it to have a better life. Not everyone have the chance to experience it, always remember that troubles and failure are the key elements which make us tougher and stronger.

If you do believe in fate, fate actually be set. Some people will say "I do not believe in fate because its on our hands." Yes, it is. You can change it with your own hands but only to be changed to be better and not counter the God and counter with your fate. Be glad that who you are. Everyone have their own specialties, discover yourself, where is your strength.

You can only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough !

My 1st Time

It's my very first time to write a blog. what I understand about blog? its not important because i just wanted to share whatever good things to all of you through this website. Today, I read a post in Facebook which is a very meaningful statement for me and it hit the points. i would like to share it out here : 

<乐嘉送给 男生和女生 的经典话 >
乐嘉送给女生的话:For the girls:

1)一个女人 如果第一眼 就让男人想到性,那么她是很失败的..
男的更极度失败..If a woman let a man think of sex at the first sight, then she is failed and the man is even worse..

你还能留给你未来的丈夫什么?When the moment you get down from the bed, your value is depreciating in his heart..if u given everything for the current boyfriend, then, beside the name of "husband" what else you can keep for your future husband?

女人一生最成功的事情之一,便是选了一个对的男人。A taste of a woman is reflected on what kind of a man who standing right beside her. One of the most successful things of a woman is chosen a right man.

同样,一个男人不爱你了,你也可以从细节中来发现.. You are able to sense it when a man is loving you, similarly, you can discover it if a man does not love you.. 

5)想了解一个男人的好坏,先去看他身边是一群怎样的朋友。If you wanted to know whether a man is good or bad, firstly is to check up what kind of friends he hanging out with.

6)女人的友情 来的快,去的也快。
其实男女感情远没有你跟姐妹的感情可靠,所以,珍惜你们之间的友情吧。woman always can't keep a long friendship. In fact, the relationship between sibling is more reliable then love, so, please cherish the friendship that you have. 

漂亮的容颜 固然可以让人眼前一亮,
丰富的内涵 却能让人经久不忘.. spend some money to get some books is better then you spend on cosmetic, although a pretty face able to attract people but a rich content in yourself is unforgettable by people..

8虚伪的男人 总倾向于 喜欢你的容貌,
真正的男人 总倾向于 爱你的内心..a hypocritical man always fall for your physical look, but a good man will fall for you because of who you are..

在爱情里为自己留个退路,否则受伤时 会措手不及.. men are not as good as you think, you can love them sincerely but do not love them blindly, always leave a way out for yourself so that you will not feel lost when you get hurt..

不认识字的男人也会变成一个诗人,而诗人本来就不生活在现实中 not believe on man's sweet talks, because when come to a girl he like, even a word blind can become a poet, but poet is not living in the reality life

11)去发现一个有潜力的男人,往往比去傍大款 更切合实际。
并且你会更有成就感。(傍大款 : 追随并依赖有钱人)to discover a potential man better then to get a rich man

12)随时预防遇到色狼。必要时向他胯下踢,用力程度自己把握。prevent any encounter predator and protect yourself.

13)这个世界上,最值得你爱的,除了父母,只有你自己。in the world, the people who most worthy of your love is yourself beside your parents.

但是,你对他的考验是必须的 to know whether a guy is sincere to you is to test on him

总有一个人会卑微下来,但是如果可以,不要把自己放得太低。do not let your value down 

16)在爱情里,永远不要抱怨什么..never complain in love

17)爱情,是需要用心经营的.. 恋爱也是一门艺术.. love need time and heart to manage and its consider an art of life

乐嘉送给男生的话:for the guys:

1)如果,你不能给她一个美好的未来,那么,请不要把她哄上床。if you unable to give her a happy life please do not put her on bed

不要轻易答应什么,因为你可能会食言。do not promise if you not sure whether you can make it because you might eat your words some day

游戏只是消遣罢了。place her on top of the games, after all, she is the one who accompany you for the rest of your life, but games is only an entertainment

如果她对你父母一直不好,那么她可以离开了。do not let go your parents because of a girl, but you can leave a girl who do not love your parents

而要学会欣赏她的内涵。你找伴侣,不是在找情人,而应该是在找妻子。 do not find a girlfriend who only have the pretty look, but learn to appreciate those have pretty content inside, you are not finding a lover but a partner for the rest of your life and a wife

而这种优秀,与她的容貌无关,与她的内涵相连。a successful man always have a good woman behind, and this good woman nothing to do with her looks but related to her internal content

男人,不是来征服女人的,而是来征服世界的。man, not to conquer a woman, but to conquer the world

there are many responsibilities in your life, the most important is to be responsible to your parents, your future, your woman and the world

9)不要总想着玩弄感情,小心它有天会玩弄了你。do not play on relationship or else you will get its return in double  

跟上进的人交朋友,跟有人生品位的人交朋友,你会获益很多。you will gain a lot if you mixing with the right peoples

除了父母,还有自己的女人和哥们,然后才是你自己 the world, the most worthy of your love is your parents, your woman and then yourself

有时,咱男人的尊严比一个女人更重要.. do not get mad to a woman, because a man dignity is more important then a woman